Archive for the ‘dreams’ Category


The Dreamer’s Dictionary

September 3, 2006

Where the fuck have I been?

Around…. but too many things happening. The most important being my preparation for fatherhood. Kochousep or Kunjumary is expected during the first week of Jan. I have also been accepted for an MA program. Some other stuff too but I will keep those for later…
The strangest thing however has been my dreams. They have been like a scene from that sick movie American Psycho.

It goes something like this… I’m trapped in an apartment and there are this white/European couple going around killing people. Killing them in the worst kinds of way, chopping up their parts etc. All I can do is watch. Finally the police arrive and they escape. I tell the cops I’m innocent and is let go.

Some scary shit, huh?

Well I didn’t know what to do. I was bothered so I told T (I haven’t told her I will blogging about this, so can’t use her name for now – this is an ettiquette I picked up from Scoble) at work. The ever resourceful T game me a book, The Dreamer’s Dictionary by Stearn Robinson and Tom Corbett. It explained my dream as a reaction to incidents happening in my life, which I have no control to prevent it from happening.

See Honey, this is what happens if you don’t let me go have a drink once in a while!